Thursday, May 24, 2018

The JomboMolino Deviantart Page!

I got bored today and decided to try out Deviantart as a venue for some of my less professional art. 

Within maybe five minutes of posting, somebody already was able to find it. And here I was thinking that my Tumblr account was my only hope...months of activity and not a SINGLE view...

If you want to hop on by, the link is right here.

I'm working on a very special review right that requires a substantial amount of time. Judging by the game I'm reviewing,'s not unwarranted. 

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Tumblr's a lost prospect.

Just read an article about Tumblr's utterly broken search function. From what I've read, the folks at Tumblr have a FROM Software viewpoint when it comes to this. Apparently, blogs on Tumblr don't want to be it's "working as intended."

So, it looks like I'm gonna have to rely on yous guys to spread the word! Facebook and Twitter would be viable options if I didn't have to input my phone number, address, eye color and blood type.

To make up for this (basically) shameful act of word-of-mouth advertising, here's a really good song by my favorite band: