Saturday, December 30, 2017

The Beginning of Something Beautiful

That is, if I have the willpower to write a review for every game I play.

Hello, I'm Jombo! I literally have no idea how you found this blog, but if you did, then there must be some divine intervention going on. Choosing the name "I'm So Lonely Reviews" does not gel well with Google's search engine, so you might want to bookmark this page if you want to be able to find it again.

This is a video game review blog, in case you were blinded by mortal rage and didn't see the blog description way up there.

At current time of posting, I have no graphics. This is because I wanted to get the actual text of the reviews out there in time for the end of the year. One thing that I want to do, however, is include hand-drawn recreations of aspects of the games that I play. My hope is that I'll be able to provide my own images without having to search 'em up on Google. The computer I'm typing this on doesn't have photoshop, however, so getting my own images onto the website is nearly impossible. Be sure to check on this page in the next couple of weeks, though! You may be pleasantly surprised.

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