Friday, September 28, 2018

Brief Hiatus

I've noticed that video games kinda suck life-wise, so I'm taking a brief hiatus to get a job, a wife, and some kids. Okay, maybe I'll only get the job for now. Maybe a guinea pig. Thanks to the tens of you across the world who read my questionably-misogynistic reviews. Not-so-thanks to the many of you who found this blog because some guy posted a piece of my art to a "monster girl" 4Chan thread and were hoping to find other art of scantily-clad women. ...if you initially found it that way but keep reading because you fell in love with my writing style and artwork, then forget I said that.

Granted, I don't post frequently enough to warrant this kind of update...but dangit, I don't want to lead yous all astray! So, have a fun life, and go outside every now and then. Try bike riding. Surprisingly enjoyable, even if you don't like exercise.

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